Sun Love

Light is medicine. Sunshine is Medicine. Watching sunrises and sunsets is medicine. However, we have been inundated with scare tactics that sunlight will give us cancer while we read this information through the blue light of a computer screen. Want to know what healed me the most from years of chronic illness? It was the sun. ⁣

Everything in nature seeks the sun.

Flowers turn to face it.

Plants expand to catch it.

Animals come out to lay in it and graze.

Water reflects to capture it.

Vegetables grow because of it.

Fruits ripen to eat them.

Yet, humans slather toxins on their skin to block it?
When it comes to the air we breathe, we don’t question nature’s perfection in its formulation. Do you even think about air until it stinks with man-made pollution?
Why do we question and ultimately fear nature’s formulation for light? ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
Sunlight has extraordinary benefits in the human body. The scare and the “solution” that has been sold to us, unfortunately, is the true cause of concern. (This is not new. Tobacco. Margarine. Drugs. Toxic sunscreen. All supported by mainstream medicine.) Yes, we have to be smart and utilize light in a healthy way, just like you can’t stick a boquet of flowers in 120 degree heat and expect them to stay vibrant, we must go about utilizing this medicine beneficially.
Unfortunately the standard American diet, full of unhealthy “fake” fats , our artificially lit world, our separation from natural sunlight and nature only helps create the perfect conditions to perpetuate the very thing that we have been strategically sold to believe that we are “preventing.” So naturally, we will be forever consumers for multiple industries. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
This is why it is essential to learn the truth and take the steps necessary to prepare and safely expose your body/skin to sunlight year round - not because the sun is unsafe but because our bodies need to be safe and reintroduced.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


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