Do you Have Parasites?

Like many health issues, the signs and symptoms of being infected with a parasite can overlap. Anything from bloating, blood sugar disregulation, SIBO, candida, adrenal fatigue, thyroid disorders, etc.

There are three classes of parasites: protozoa, which are tiny, one-celled organisms that typically live in the intestines, blood, or tissue; helminths, which are parasitic worms such as tapeworms, roundworms, and thorny-headed worms; and ectoparasites, which are ticks, fleas, lice, and mites that attach or burrow into the skin.

Parasite infections are far more common than you might think.

There are a number of ways to contract a parasite. First, parasites can enter your body through contaminated food and water. Undercooked meat is a common place for parasites to hide, as well as contaminated water from underdeveloped countries, lakes, ponds, or creeks. However, meat is the not the only culprit. Unclean or contaminated fruits and vegetables can also harbor parasites. Some parasites can even enter the body by traveling through the bottom of your foot. - Mind Body Green

Parasites are hard to detect through many stool tests. I have sent in physical parasites to some labs only to find out that they came back “negative.” That is why I love blood work, because it can show us through convetional, basic lab tests if a parasitic infection is likely.

Some signs you may have a parasite:

  • Digestive issues

  • Foul-smelling stool

  • Foul-smelling sweat*

  • Skin Issues like acne, psoriasis or eczema

  • Insomnia (especialy during full moons)

  • Irritation, itching or picking of nose

  • Joint pain

  • Depression/Inability to make decisions

  • Mucous covered stool/floating stools

  • Night sweats*

  • Pale complexion*

  • Anal Itching

  • Vomiting

How to Know if You Have Parasites

TClearly, stool tests are not accurate. I discovered I and many of my clients have parasites through blood work. Markers I look at include:

  • High Eosinophils (Eos) >3% which is an abbreviation for eosinophil. This white blood cell is primarily involved in fighting allergies or parasites. High eosinophil counts indicate an allergy or parasite causing illness. These cells are responsible for destroying parasites and cancer cells, and they are part of an allergic response.

  • High Basophils or Baso >1%. This usually elevates when there is allergies alongside parasites.

  • Low or high WBC - 5-8 is normal.

  • Ferritin below 40 due to the fact that parasites often feed off ferritin stores.

    Parasite Protocol

    1. OPEN DRAINAGE PATHWAYS: This is CRUCIAL to getting well from parasites. It is the most important step in my opinion. Without doing this step they will likely return, put you in the never ending healing journey that many of my clients have faced.

    To get my exact prep and parasite protocol and post gut healing protocol, consider my course. In it, you will learn how I got rid of my parasites as well as thousands of clients (it’s not as simple as instagram may make it seem).

    2. F O O D S  T O  I N C L U D E

    Garlic: The allicin in garlic is potent against bacteria, but also viruses and fungus too.

    Reference: Ankri, Serge, and David Mirelman. "Antimicrobial Properties of Allicin from Garlic." Microbes and Infection 1.2 (1999): 125-29. PubMed. Web. 7 Dec. 2017.

    Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid which can paralyze parasites.

    Reference: Plotnikov AA, et al. “Clinical trial of cucurbin (a preparation from pumpkin seeds) in cestodiasis.” Med Parazitol (Mosk) 41 (1972): 407–11. PubMed. 8 Dec. 2017.

    Papaya Seeds: These seeds have been shown to have anthelmintic effects on parasites in trials performed on rats.

    Reference: Sapaat, A., et al. "Anthelmintic Activity of Papaya Seeds on Hymenolepis Diminuta Infections in Rats." Tropical Biomedicine 29.4 (2012): 508-12. PubMed. Web. 7 Dec. 2017

    3. F O O D S  T O  A V O I D

    Sugar: Sugar feeds parasites and lowers immunity.

    Fruit: Fruit breaks down into sugar quickly. It is best to avoid fruit while on the cleanse.

    Processed Foods: Processed foods make it hard for the body to cleanse.

    Refined Carbohydrates: These lead to sugar imbalances in the body.

    Alcohol: Alcohol does not allow for proper healing because it weakens the immune system.

    Wheat/Gluten: Grains quickly break down into sugar and cause intestinal inflammation due to the high levels of glyphosphate.

    Sushi: Can be highly contaminated with parasites so it is best to avoid these while on cleanse.

    The information in this post is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease and should not be a replacement for medical advice. Always consult your doctor before trying a new diet, lifestyle or supplement protocol.


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