Change for the Better

If your lifestyle and mindset can make you sick and miserable, then changing and optimizing your lifestyle and mindset can make you heal and thrive.

It’s not easy, but its worth it. I have done this with my life which is why it is my passion to show you how to create a life that heals. Our bodies want to heal!

I completely evolved my lifestyle into a way that provides life and promotes healing and wellbeing for me. I finally have a life that is more ME than I have ever been in my life. I learned, I experimented, I chose and I continue to choose daily. Sometimes, I learned too much, and realized I needed to simplify and unlearn as well.

Don’t let one more day pass that isn’t instilling you with vibrancy. There is healing and life available in every moment.

Every single day, do better than the day before. A glass of water better, a salad instead of french fries, a walk instead of scrolling.

Your body isn’t designed to deteriorate like we have been told. That joint pain isn’t a symptom of just getting older They have sold you that idea to sell you everything else that you NEED. Your perfect body is working tirelessly every single day to keep you as optimal as possible. It is working so hard for you, and loves you unconditionally. When you overload it, you start having symptoms and then if you continue it turns into a condition or a disease.

So every “better” matters. Your daily choices either push you closer to health or they push you closer to illness. Either way, you choose and you’re in complete control.

It is what you do daily, and those days turn to years that results in your current health.  Take a moment without judgement to think about everything that got you here. The method that got you to this point can be used to get you out.

No magic supplement.

We get so wrapped up in the quick fixes, the cleanses, the 30-day diet, the supplement regimen and then we’re shocked when we don’t get the results we wanted or if we did, they don’t stick around for long. It’s not a single thing that is going to get you the results you want. It’s a thousand little decisions. 

You choose with your mindset. You choose with your lifestyle.

1 moment of gratitude better

1 vegetable better

1 organic purchase better

1 salad better

1 sweat session better

1 movement break better

1 sunshine session better

1 mindfulness session better

1 clean product swap better

1 deep belly laugh better

1 relaxing bath better

1 moment of forgiveness better

1 day of no alcohol better

1 instant of saying “no” without guilt better

1 cup of water better

1 better in any way that feels good to you 

Whatever way you choose, just choose a little better today. Do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day.

Before you know it, you will have created a life that uplifts, replenishes and heals you. 


Sun Love

