Does activated charcoal work after being glutened?

Charcoal can bind toxins, but it doesn't effectively bind gluten. It won't remove gluten or stop the autoimmune reaction, but it might help with symptoms like diarrhea because it has a constipating effect. However, if you're prone to constipation after eating gluten, charcoal might make it worse.

If you decide to use charcoal, drink extra fluids and take it away from other food and supplements by at least 2-3 hours, as it can bind nutrients too. Don't add it to smoothies since it reduces nutritional benefits. Also, consult your doctor if you take any medications, as charcoal can interfere with them.

how long does gluten stay in your system?

Some believe gluten stays in your system for months, but this is a myth. Gluten is eliminated like other foods. However, the inflammation from gluten exposure, especially in celiac disease, can linger for weeks to months. After being glutened, focus on calming inflammation, not trying to remove gluten, which leaves your body in a few days.

For more help, my Free Guide to Recovering After Gluten Exposure offers strategies to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms.


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