Energetic Healing

I am so glad you are interested in learning more about energetic healing. Throughout my healing journey, I have learned the importance of not just healing on a physical level, but to truly heal we must also go beyond the physical and do the emotional and spiritual work.

I’ve done various emotional, spiritual healing techniques over the years, some successful, some not so much. I jumped from therapist to therapist trying to find someone who could help me heal my childhood trauma, but I never felt like I was able to move the emotions '“out” of my body. I kept talking about them, but they wouldn’t go away. I worked on my mindset at nauseam, doing daily affirmations and gratitude prompts, which definitely helped shift my mindset, but there was nothing quite as impactful as energy healing for me.

The body stores emotions. And we can talk ourselves silly trying to release these emotions from the body, but many times something deeper is required. Cue energy healing. Energetic healing is designed to help you release cellular imprints from negative emotions, experiences and trauma.  Our bodies remember every hormone, neurotransmitter, energy/nerve block, limiting belief and emotion from each significant event in our lives - even though we might not even remember them in our conscious minds.  Unfortunately, this occurs on a subconscious level over which we have no control. 

Because we have no control over these subconscious reactions, they can make us experience physical and emotional symptoms that we don’t usually want.  For example, an limiting belief that you are unworthy (whether you realize you feel this way or not), might bring on some digestive issues. No amount of positive thinking can change this because 95% of the brain operates on a subconscious level and is making this decision for you.  To make matters worse, the conscious mind innately wants to prove that what the subconscious mind believes is true, so it will protect those false beliefs. (i.e. more digestive issues, etc.)  It is simply a self-preservation mechanism. 


Who is this for?

  • People looking to reduce stress and triggers on the mind

  • Develop healthy boundaries

  • Find more physical and emotional balance

  • Release emotional baggage preventing you from feeling peace

  • Develop a deeper sense of self love and forgiveness

How do you access these blocks?

I access this information by using muscle testing.

What is muscle testing?

Muscle Testing measures a natural stress response called Binary Biofeedback which is the measure of the body’s response to a stimulus. Binary biofeedback is used in virtually every medical field from EEGs to heart rate monitors. There are “everyday” examples of binary biofeedback. For instance, under stress, our heart rate increases, perspiration occurs, blood flow goes away from the digestive tract and towards extremities so you can run if you’re in danger. 

Muscle Testing is uses the body’s muscles to measure a response - it’s a biofeedback device in itself.  Our muscles are controlled by nerves, and muscles respond differently to different nerve messages. Therefore, we have the ability to utilize muscle strength as a way to understand what the nervous system is trying to tell us. By tapping into the nervous system, the practitioner can identify imbalances in the body and advise the client how to address the concerns. There’s nothing magical about muscle testing, it’s simply interpreting nerve signals. 

When the body is presented with something that it perceives as a stress to the system...in other words, something it’s incompatible with- the electrical signals between brain and the muscles are “short-circuited” and the muscle being tested is weakened. When the body is presented with something that it is compatible with, the tested muscle is strong.

How do you clear these blocks?

The body wants to heal.  When stressors are present...whether they are physical or emotional, they demand resources/energy from the body. Think about your energy reservoir as a bucket filled with water...if you have holes in the bucket, water escapes rapidly and you can’t keep the bucket full. Once we are aware of the blocks, we can use a cold laser to stimulate certain acupuncture points and meridians to eliminate the body’s stress reaction to the blocks.  When this is done, we are disrupting the stress response, helping to calm the nervous system and release negative stored associations with the stressors. Sessions are remote.

How does this work remotely?

We are able to muscle test remotely due to the principle of non-locality. This is the ability of particles  to be influenced instantaneously by another particle with no visible exchange of force or energy. This can occur from any distance. We apply the principle of non-locality when we facilitate virtual muscle testing and energy work. When we do remote muscle testing, we use a pendulum to understand the nervous system messages in place of a client's arm. 

Pendulum testing is a branch of muscle testing called ideomotor response. Ideo= idea, motor= muscle. When muscle testing clients from a distance, I use my own nervous system to test for someone else (sometimes called proxy testing). The pendulum moves by nerve impulses in the hand while the nervous system is responding to thoughts or testing prompts instead of physical stimuli. It’s crucial to note that pendulum testing cannot tell the future...it’s not predictive.

What should I expect after a session?

It is very individualized and each person processes through the clearing differently.  Many people immediately feel like a weight is lifted, while others go through a detox of sorts as the body is finally able to release stored physical and emotional toxins.  This is normal and healthy and very short-lived. This technique is simple, effective and can literally change your life – are you ready to let go of what is holding you back?

How many will I need?

Just like talk therapy it cant be a “one and done” type event. I have found that children are very quick to respond to this type of work, while adults need a couple of sessions to notice the effects. I will test your body after our first session to see when it wants another session. Usually the first 2-3 sessions are done every other week, eventually going to monthly and then every few months. After that many of my clients like to schedule maintenance sessions.

*Energy healing doesn’t diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

What age do you work with?

For Holistic Wellness appointments, I work with teens and adults of all ages. For energy work , I work with infants, kids, and adults of all ages!